I thought I would attempt to do this like Ang suggested. Wish me luck!!!
1. I was born in San Diego, Ca.
2. I lived in the same apt. in National City til I left for college.
3. I'm the 2nd in my family.
4. I have an older brother, younger sister, and younger brother.
5. My sister has always been my best friend...we're only 19 mo. apart.
6. I could do 8 pull-ups on the bar that hung in our hallway growing up...I think my dad liked to show me off doing that for people.
7. I wanted a scooby doo house for Christmas when I was young...there was no such thing except in my head...I got a pink bike instead and hated Santa for a while.
8. My favorite thing to do in the summer was walk to 7-11 with Craig and Kristi to get a slurpee...those were the days!
9. I loved to play sports with anyone who would play...football, basketball...tag...especially if my brothers cute friends were involved.
10. Kristi and I (along with some neighbor friends) would put on dance shows for people in the apartments.
11. At my first stake dance my older friends introduced me to a guy that I danced with at least once every dance until he passed away...that was tough.
12. I was TOTALLY boy crazy from the time I was in 1st grade...YIKES!
13. Kristi and I started babysitting together when I was just under 12 and never stopped til I graduated and left for college...it was so fun.
14. I started playing the flute in 3rd grade and had a love/hate relationship with it til I got to high school and couldn't get enough.
15. I love ice cream.
16. I love to bake.
17. I love to decorate cakes.
18. I forgot to wear my bra once in 8th grade and faked I was sick so I didn't have to suit up for p.e.
19. When I got home dad tried to take care of me and mom told him I was lying and found out the real truth...it was funny.
20. I had an obsession with wanting to wear glasses and have braces.
21. I hated life when I had braces...got married and almost had Teancum before the braces came off.
22. I was in band in high school which consisted of MANY parades (totally awesome), field shows, concerts, trips to magic mountain, disneyland and las vegas.
23. Band wasn't for geeks...Homecoming queen's, BMOC's, cheerleaders, football players, and other sports stars were all in band. We were hotties!!!
24. Went to vegas 3 years with band, disneyland 2 times, and magic mountain once...they were the best!
25. Got a standing ovation all 4 years of our field show at southwestern college...nothing felt much better than that!.
26. I was on the top 20 list for prom and girls league courts my senior year but didn't make top 5.
27. Had calculus class with Kristi my junior year.
28. Played volleyball 3 years...1 year jv, 2 years varsity.
29. Had only one boyfriend in high school who played soccer and football.
30. Won for prettiest eyes my senior year and got to be in the year book.
31. Met James the summer before my senior year.
32. Sang a song in sacrament with Kristi, one of my young womens leaders and another yw in the ward...and James snuck in to hear...don't like to do that.
33. LOVE music!!!
34. Always wanted to be singer, dancer, and school teacher growing up.
35. Never heard of Ricks til a missionary in the ward told me about it.
36. Applied to Ricks.
37. Got accepted the day my grandpa died and James asked me to marry him...funny story!!!
38. Had to go early when they messed up my application...had to be there for 3rd summer term to stay for the fall.
39. Never regretted my choice to go to Ricks.
40. My mom made sure James and I met up at Ricks and you know the rest of that story.
41. The stake presidents daughter tried to hook me up with the counselors son who was at school with me...funny.
42. Went out with Ryan a couple of times to find out his dad was really happy about it.
43. Broke up with James at one point and my brother wouldn't speak to me.
44. I am afraid of heights.
45. I am afraid of the dark.
46. I hate to be alone.
47. I didn't like living in Utah.
48. I'm a california girl through and through.
49. I hate to wear shoes..."thongs" are much better and open toed shoes.
50. I don't like rings (and shoes) for the same reason as Angela...it feels claustrophobic.
51. I love the Twilight series and can't wait for the 4th book and the movie.
52. James and I love cherry coke...inside joke!
53. I had my gallbladder taken out 3 weeks after having Teancum...then went to IF to have the stones taken out of my bile duct.
54. I had a herniated disk after Rebekah and had surgery to repair it.
55. I had my appendix taken out 6 weeks after giving birth to Sariah.
56. I hate needles.
57. I had only a shot of demerol with Teancum, Ana, and Jarom when giving birth...it was nice.
58. I was induced with all 5 kids...can't seem to start it on my own.
59. Rebekah was the worst labor...she was "sunny side up" as James put it...I broke down and had an epideral.
60. I was lazy and got an epideral for Sariah...but the doctor was my favorite and the whole labor was awesome!!!
61. James and I have lived in 13 different places as of current.
62. James joined the military after 4 years of us being married and me saying I never wanted to be married to a soldier...we both made the decision for him to join...never say never!
63. James and I just had our 10th anniversary...time went way too fast.
64. James taught early morning seminary and told the kids that we were going to have 12 kids by the time we were done...funny!
65. I hate having a messy house.
66. I love chinese food, mexican food, and pizza.
67. I love to watch romantic movies.
68. My favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice...with Keira Knightley...such a sweet movie without all the nasty stuff people think we need today.
69. I love to dance and sing with my kids...as long as no one else is there to witness.
70. I love to eat popcorn and watch a movie with James.
71. I got my credential and a special ed endorsement while having 2 kids.
72. I was a hostess and baker at JB's when I first got married...first real job I ever had.
73. James and I have had 10 cars since we've been married.
74. I hated my name and wanted to change it to Jennifer...they always thought I was a boy growing up.
75. I loved buying 39 cent ice cream cones with James when we first got married.
76. For our first anniversary James and I had pizza and a maple bar in the lounge at Wal-Mart where he worked while grandma did laundry and took care of 9 day old Teancum.
77. I love newborn babies...especially mine when I can snuggle up in bed to nurse, because it's my alone time with them.
78. I really love being pregnant.
79. I love when people don't believe that my kids are all mine...they think I'm too young...it's flattering!
80. I really dislike pictures of me...YUCK!!!
81. I love shopping for my kids...especially when I get a super good deal...like HSM pj's for Ana for 1.98...YEAH ME!!!
82. I hate shopping for clothes for me.
83. I love having people over at my house to cook for and talk or play games...it gives me a little high!
84. I love playing outside with my kids.
85. I love reading books to my kids.
86. I tried out for cheer in high school and didn't make it.
87. I carried one of my leaders down from a hike at girls camp when she hurt her knee and couldn't walk...I liked showing off that I was tough and strong.
88. I actually enjoy lifting weights.
89. I like people looking at my blog and posting comments...it makes me feel special.
90. I hate making decisions.
91. I hate wearing a swimsuit but I love to go swimming.
92. I always loved making chocolate chip cookies every sunday in high school...I think the missionaries down stairs from us like it too.
93. I love good surprises if I don't know that their coming.
94. I enjoyed seminary growing up even though it was too early in the morning.
95. I always liked sharing a room with my sister.
96. I liked playing church sports...even if I stunk at it.
97. I was obnoxious to my spanish teacher in high school and for once I had the bad rap passed on to my younger sibling Erik.
98. My 10th grade English teacher liked Craig and would pump him for information to tease me about in class...one day I came in and he had written on the board "Erin loves Tim Flowers". He was a boy in our ward that I thought was a nerd but was good friends with his younger brother. I didn't live that one down for a while b/c no one knew that it was really just a joke and my older brother being a bugar.
99. James and I's first kiss has a name..."kiss and run with the zipper undone". It's a funny little story that I'll have to share sometime.
100. I am the luckiest person alive to have James for a husband and five of the most beautiful kids in the world!!!