Little Sariah was brought to me on Sunday because she had some poopy pants. It was our first Sunday in the new ward and I had NO idea where priesthood was. We looked around a little bit (since it was the very end of church anyways) and finally decided to sit down and wait til Daddy found us. Sariah climbed up on the couch, crossed her legs and folded her hands in her lap with a HUGE sigh. She looked at me out of the corner of her cute little eye and said "Ok, we'll wait for Daddy". Two seconds later she gave an exasperated sigh, looked at me and said with her arms thrown up in the air in defeat "He's lost!" It was one of the cutest things ever. I'm sure you had to be there but I hope you still think it was cute!
Last night James needed to cut his hair for drill this morning. We are still unpacking our stuff and finally found our hair clippers...all but the cord/charger. I told James to just get started and if I HAD to I'd run and buy a new pair. Of course when he started...they stopped and he looked ridiculous and had just barely started. CRAP!!!! I'm heading out the door someone said something and Beka looked up at James and said "so you're hair doesn't look so dumb anymore?" James couldn't help but laugh histerically because he did look pretty ridiculous!
Jarom is just a funny kid and his favorite thing is to say "awkward" all the time. The other day there was something wrong with a picture and Jarom kept telling James to fix it so that it wasn't so awkward anymore. It didn't really fit but it sure was cute to listen to him say it over....and over.....and over....and over....again!
Ana is such a sweetheart. I was making some banana cookies for James that he's been wanting for a while. The cookies were baking and it was time for the frosting. Sariah had been in there for the whole process and LOVES to help but I was getting a little impatient. She really wanted one of the beaters but I always wipe them off a little before I give them out. Sariah really didn't like this and so she was upset and crying. I didn't care because I had had enough. Ana looks over at her and says "here Sariah, do you want mine?" It wasn't anything big but it meant a lot to Sariah and she willingly took the trade. What a lesson to learn from my sweet little Ana and her example of patience and peace making!
Tank is funny too. I was trying to do something with his bed the other night and I was tired and ready for bed so I had taken my pants off. I was taking care of the boys room and in walked Teancum. He started laughing and I couldn't figure out what was so funny. In between laughs he managed to tell me that there was a little problem with me...I had some crack hanging out! I was horrifically embarrassed but I sure gave my boys a good laugh right before bed. The only concern I have is that this moment might be brought up again in mixed company!
Brought up in mixed company? I'm pretty sure it will be brought up for the rest of your life! It might even be mentioned at your funeral! :) Good luck!
Your post had me laughing out loud. Oh, I miss your kids. They are so funny. Only Beka could get away with saying that. Too funny! Good luck with Teancum...he is a storyteller and you know he will bring that up at the most inopportune times. I can't wait until Thanksgiving!
Oh you two know my kids too well! I wouldn't be surprised it Tank wrote an essay all about for school or something! He is that kind of kid...and the funeral just might be in there too!
How cute, sweet, funny and hysterical! You gotta love the innocence of kids! :0)
Where did you get those fun pictures? Are those from James camera?
love all the pictures and love kids! they keep life fun and happy when we get too serious!
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