Friday, September 26, 2008

Yeah Jarom!!!

3 days ago I noticed that Jarom had a loose tooth. When I told him he was not happy. He was scared and didn't want to lose any teeth because he needs to have them all. We tried to explain that you need to lose your baby teeth for the big teeth to come in and that there isn't a choice, they'll just fall out eventually. He cried for at least 20 minutes before he finally went to bed. By the next day was okay because Ana told him how fun it is (she pulls out her own)! So yesterday I noticed that it was SERIOUSLY loose and was probably going to fall out any second so I told him to keep wiggling it. He cried because he couldn't eat his apple, and this is a seriously issue because he LOVES his apples. No tooth last night...but first thing this morning Jarom runs in to the bedroom to tell James and I that his tongue pushed his tooth right out of his mouth and "it was so tool!!!" Needless to say he was very excited. I hope the next one will be just as easy!


Ang said...

I can't believe it only took a few days to come out. My kids have loose teeth for months before they finally come out of their mouth. Annalisa's top tooth has been loose now for about 3 months and it's not much looser than it was at the beginning!

Austin said...

I can almost here him say "tool" He is so dang cute!!!

Vonnie said...

Yeah, Jarom! Just in time to look like a jack-o-lantern for Halloween. I love the gappy smiles on kids. Keep us posted. I especially love when they lose those top two.

Stephen and Amanda said...

Oh that's so fun that he is losing his teeth. That means he is beginning to be one of the BIG kids that go to school, lose their teeth, and just get really smart. He is so cute and I decided that from these pictures he looks so much like Austin its kind of weird. He is a cutie! (Jarom that is...) Ha.

jenjen said...

Man, how tool. I love it!